• Faculty
  • Mark Ingram
  • Mark Ingram

    ProfessorFrench Transnational Studies

    Mark Ingram is Professor of French Transnational Studies. His doctorate from N.Y.U. 是文化人类学和法语研究的联合学位吗. Moving between these 有两个领域对他的学术和教学一直很重要,其中包括 课程包括法语、法语和法语国家的社会和文化 anthropology of Europe (SOA 238). His French Special Topics courses (FR 358, FR 433) 通过思考,探索法语世界文化变化的各个方面 来自艺术家、学者、记者和其他人(包括厨师)的新观点 and other culinary specialists!). Generally, his research addresses the politics of the arts, as in his first book (Rites of the Republic. “公民剧场”与南方文化政治 France). 他帮助组织了法国戏剧艺术家的校园驻留活动. He also 喜欢在教法国食物和烹饪,无论是在校园里还是在国外学习期间 in short-term Intensive Courses Abroad (FR 272Y).

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    Marseille has figured prominently in my recent research. With Kathryn Kleppinger, I edited The Marseille Mosaic. A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures (Berghahn, 2023),一本关于人类学、社会学、 地理,艺术史,电影研究,以及其他领域. The book explores 历史和当代的创造力塑造了这座迷人的城市和它自己 以独特的方式应对移民、难民和遣返者的浪潮 recast postcolonial Europe. The book includes a chapter I co-wrote with Dr. Rebecca 免费(剧场)介绍马赛剧院的公共宣传工作. My current 研究通过关注活动家来考察马赛的环境城市化 结合社会正义和生态问题的艺术项目.



    2023 (Co-edited with Kathryn Kleppinger) The Marseille Mosaic. A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures, Berghahn Press.

    2011 (Ethnographic monograph) Rites of the Republic. “公民剧场”与南方文化政治 France. University of Toronto Press.

    Selected book chapters

    2023 (with Kathryn Kleppinger) “Introduction. The Marseille Mosaic” in The Marseille Mosaic. A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures, eds. M. Ingram, K. Kleppinger, Berghahn Press, pp. 1-26.

    2023年(与丽贝卡·弗里合作)“马赛剧院的外联工作” hors les murs” in The Marseille Mosaic. A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures, eds. M. Ingram, K. Kleppinger, Berghahn Press, pp. 250-71.

    2021“地中海城市的桥梁和断层线:an的邻里记忆” Urban Walk in Marseille” in 城市桥梁,全球资本(s):跨地中海法语圈, eds. 克莱尔·朗彻伯里和梅根·麦克唐纳,利物浦大学出版社,第2页. 135-154.

    Selected journal articles

    2024年“马赛:超越神话的多样性”(与凯瑟琳·克莱平格合作), States. A Creative Magazine by Villa Albertine, #2, pp. 97-104.

    2022 “Seeking an intersectional ‘convergence des luttes’ in the occupied theatres of Marseille”, CFC Intersections. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 101-18.

    2019(评论文章)《云顶集团》,索菲述评 Chevalier, ed., Anthropology at the Crossroads: The View from France (UK: Sean Kingston Publishing, 2015), in French Politics, Culture & Society, Vol. 37, No. 3, Winter: 108–122.

    2018年(与丽贝卡自由)“协作地图,以提高地方参与和跨学科 Dialogue in a Short-term Study Abroad Program”, International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. Volume 12 Issue 1, Page 5-14.

    2016年“马赛低收入社区的安置与遗产政治” in International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 22 No.2 Feb/Mar , pp. 117-130.        

    2010年“通过‘多元统一’促进欧洲发展:阿维尼翁作为欧洲之都” Culture in 2000” in Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, Vol. 10 Issue 1, pp. 14-25.

    2009年“艺术家与城市在‘欧洲-地中海’马赛:重新定义国家。 跨国治理时代的文化政策[j] City and Society: Journal of the Society for Urban Anthropology, Vol. 21, Issue 2, pp. 268-92.

    2005年,《云顶集团》 program in Avignon", Foreign Language Annals, Summer, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 211-222.

    Selected commissioned reviews

    2023 (with Rebecca Free) 全国范围内的通讯:通讯和流动;全国范围内的通讯 des Lumières à la Belle Époque 作者:西里尔·特里奥莱尔,克莱蒙费朗:布莱斯帕斯卡大学出版社(2022); in H-France Review Vol. 23 (November), No. 186, 1-5.

    2021 Adventure Capital. Migration and the Making of an African Hub in Paris by Julie Kleinman. University of California Press (2019), in Contemporary French Civilization, 46, (1), 113–116.

    2018 审美公民:21世纪巴黎的移民与戏剧 by Emine Fişek (2017) in Modern Language Notes, 133(5):1427-1431.

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    Selected academic presentations     

    2024 (with Rebecca Free)马赛:环境新艺术视角的实验室?” for 20th and 21世纪法语和法语国家研究国际学术研讨会,费城, Feb. 23.

    2023 (与凯瑟琳·克莱平格)马赛马赛克:十字路口的地中海城市 讨论嘉宾:Sylvaine Guyot, William Poulin-Deltour,纽约大学文化研究所 French Studies, Oct. 16.

    2023  “The Marseille Mosaic” A roundtable with French and U.S. contributors (K. Kleppinger, E. Dorier, A. Bousmah, F. Lextrait, J-C Sevin, N. Maisetti, V. Geisser, and T. Shepard. 博物馆实验室(位于欧洲和地中海文明博物馆的研究中心), Marseille, June 21.

    2022年“通过以艺术为中心的环境重新配置马赛的城市景观。 “行动主义”,美国人类学专题讨论会(欧洲行动主义与艺术) Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, Seattle, November 10.

    2019 (与Rebecca Free合作)“时间干预:公共空间和特定场地的日常生活 “作为艺术作品的城市:审视艺术的影响” “论城市转型”,AAA年会,温哥华,11月.

    2017 “协作式数字地图的问题与前景:探索新的显示模式 knowledge”, 视觉人类学协会圆桌会议:“视觉问题:人类学的角色” 在制作和分析视觉材料”,AAA年会上,华盛顿,D.C., November.

    2015《云顶集团》 在“重要记忆”行为研究焦点小组, 高等教育戏剧协会(ATHE)会议,蒙特利尔,7月29日.

    2012年“在表演中聆听地中海:街头戏剧的政治” Marseille”. 议题:感知政治:物质性、美学与体现. AAA, San Francisco, November.  

    Academic or Professional Associations

    American Anthropological Association

    Society for the Anthropology of Europe

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    Editorial Board for the journal CFC Intersections

    匿名评审包括人类学资助提案 National Science Foundation, and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec, Société et Culture (魁北克省研究基金),书稿为 University of Toronto Press, and article submissions to 人类学季刊,美国民族学家,CFC交叉点,当代法语 Civilization, European Urban and Regional Studies, 法国政治,文化与社会,国际文化政策杂志,国际 遗产研究杂志,语言人类学杂志, and the Journal of Mediterranean Studies.